Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Well I hope everyone had as wonderful of a day yesterday that I did. I woke up to my husband and my 2 year old kissing me on the cheek saying "Happy Mommy's Day!" It was precious! We visited my mother-in-law then went flower shopping with my mom, sister and our 3 little girls. My 2 year old daughter was very helpful picking out flowers, but my 16 month old daughter and my 19 month old niece just wanted to run around and pull the tags out of the pots! Needless to say our trip was a short, but fun one. We had lunch at my fav Italian restaurant and headed home to plant my new flowers. A very fun and relaxing day.

A few days ago my girls and I made some plantable paper, so for the Mother's Day gifts I made cards and gave it to them in a terra cotta pot decorated with a ribbon, so they could read their card then plant it! They turned out really cute and very simple to make. While making the paper, I put some of the paper pulp into a cookie cutter shaped like a tulip and let it dry. I used some foam dots to attach it to the inside of a tri-fold paper card, wrote our message inside along with planting instructions. I punched two holes in the front, put some eyelets in for decoration, then tied it off with a ribbon. I stamped a cute Mother's Day greeting on the front and put the card in the terra cotta pot. It was a big hit and the mom's couldn't wait to plant their gifts. Of course I made one for myself to test out so we will see how well they grow. The seeds I used are African Daisies and the package says 7-10 days germination, so hopefully by next week we will have some sprouts!

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